Monday 27 October 2008

Future Meetings

At the last meeting we enjoyed a few historical films supplied by Tony. We have a number of these so may show more at future meetings.  

The next two meetings at the club will be on:
- Wednesday the 12th November and then 
- Wednesday the 26th November (Apologies for earlier incorrect dates!)
We will post any planned presentations or activites for the above nights as soon as they are agreed. News from the ARRL confirms that we have finally started sunspot cycle 24! For real time MUF information have a look at - 
If you have any intersting information, articles or links please forward them and we will post it here (Subject to the usual conditions of copyright)

Thursday 9 October 2008


Welcome to the Surbiton Heritage Amateur Radio & Electronics Society blog.
We will keep this site up to date with various information from members.
If you have any information text, word documents or pictures just email it to and we will post it to the blog.
We will always keep events and club meeting dates here but remember latest information will always be at the top of the page so scroll down or search for what you need.
If you would like to be informed of changes and additions to this site You can subscribe to the blog.
At last nights meeting  (8th October) we tried out and FRG-7700 receiver, and an FT-100 which we now have on loan. So we can be active at club meetings.
We have a full size G5RV antenna so operation on most HF bands is possible.
A vertical for 6/2/70cm will soon be erected (Once we agree on a date to put it up) so we will also have access to those bands.
Last night included a demonstration of Ubutnu Linix which is distributed free. For more information about the latest version - 8.04 "Hardy Heron" visit the Ubuntu website -
Do you want to learn or improve your CW skills. have a look at - Learn CW Online 
If you would like to join us or we meet every two weeks in Surbiton, the map shows our meeting place which is close to Surbiton Station and has ample parking. 

73 G8UBJ - Rex / G7DGW - Tony

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